This is the time of year when people casually ask one another “So, what are you thankful for?” Most respond with the canned answer “My family, health, job….” Yet oftentimes those very same people have actions that are inconsistent with their words. They may take loved ones for granted, treat their body as anything but a temple and adopt a “laissez faire” attitude towards their place of employment and co-workers.
So many times as fallible human beings we tend to only appreciate people (jobs, things, relationships) when we have lost them (or have come dangerously close).
Being truly thankful in a raw and uninhibited way can only come by humbling ourselves and exposing our gratitude even at the risk of appearing vulnerable. Maybe that is why so few people feel comfortable graciously accepting a gift or kind words; for fear of others knowing they “needed” it.
Genuine unabated thankfulness comes from receiving something we could not have attained on our own; it does not come from obtaining a “want” it comes from fulfilling a need.
I am thankful for my family, health and job; however, I am forever indebted to the one who gave them to me.
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17
Thank you to our family, friends and customers for a great year! We are grateful for you all. Have a happy Thanksgiving and be sure take some time to give thanks for what really matters.
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